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Bernd 09/18/2018 (Tue) 11:39 [Preview] No. 19362 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
> "He got tazer!"
> Shot him
106 posts and 40 images omitted.

Bernd 07/31/2022 (Sun) 19:44:43 [Preview] No.48425 del
I have found this:
Apparently it happened more than a year ago, but the case has been "in review" since the video above was revealed. The dude in the floor was a nignog suspected of having participated in a deadly shooting. The police claimed they shot in response after he produced a gun and shot a policeman in a leg. However, this is disputed by other people who believe he was unarmed and the shot came from another police (probably that woman seen in the video)

While looking for that I found vids related.

Bernd 08/01/2022 (Mon) 10:15:25 [Preview] No.48426 del
Bloke pulling a gun while that many officers manhandling him doesn't sound plausible. One fucking up and negligibly discharging his/her gun is more like it.
>1st vid
Couple of bullets really can make an uncooperative person placid. I bet they have several classes on this in police school.
>2nd vid
He played too much vidya.

Bernd 01/14/2023 (Sat) 19:11 [Preview] No.49643 del
Bloke stabbed three cops with a knife. One dead.
They shot him in the leg and arrested him...

Bernd 07/08/2023 (Sat) 08:24 [Preview] No.50632 del
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>flee the Talibans
>get shot
look like four neger teenagers, who else...

Bernd 09/11/2024 (Wed) 06:54 [Preview] No.52401 del
>wrestles gun from officer
>get shot
I'd really watch the whole thing spiraling out. That cop whose gun was taken looks incompetent, how he let that happen? Obviously there is more to it.
Then the dude walking up towards the arriving cop cars, calm as a cucumber. Did they just blast him, or did he went for a shot first? The branches covering the scene.
Tried to search about this but who knows when was this taken.

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20rh August State Foundation Day Bernd 08/20/2018 (Mon) 06:19 [Preview] No. 18586 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
A year passed and again this day commemorates the foundation of Hungary, this is 1018th birthday. We celebrate this national holiday with listening to politicians mixing irrelevant daily politics into historical events in the morning and watching fireworks in the evening. Budapesterners can witness the procession of state founder Saint Stephen's Holy Dexter. Also all the local communities have their own little celebrations.
This is the third time I make this thread, and I won't post much, maybe I'll post something about what happened today - if anything interesting - later.
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15th March, Revolution and War of Independence of 1848-49 Bernd 03/15/2024 (Fri) 14:37 [Preview] No.51786 del
During our discussion of this national holiday, the name Metternich came up a couple of times. What do we know?
Apparently Metternich is an Austrian rock band formed in 2016.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=mPAREt9aMUg [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=h_4RUPlwOJc [Embed]

Okay, this probably not it.
We are, of course, talking about Prince Klemens von Metternich, Chancellor and Foreign Minister of the Austrian Empire, the great opposer of revolutionary movements, and the counterweight in the Habsburg Court that prevented any meaningful change from feudalistic order, whose actions to keep the lid forcibly on the pot of boiling water just hastened the emergence of a new revolutionary wave. Some might call him close-minded, some clear-sighted. He was one of the most influential person of his day and age, probably his greatest work was the redrawn Europe after the Napoleonic Wars, although he wasn't the sole author of it.
I don't want to present a biography, read Wikipedia for that. I just want to acknowledge his work that led to the Revolution (and War of Independence) which he was not part of since he was forced by the Viennese to resign two days prior to the events on Hungary. But again while it wasn't entirely his own construct, he made a great pair for Emperor and King Francis in his absolutist politics. And then he became one party in another duo - with Franz Anton von Kolowrat - which replaced the weak Ferdinand to hold the reigns when it came to real governing.

Bernd 03/15/2024 (Fri) 14:39 [Preview] No.51787 del
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I skimmed couple of stuff on the internet, flipped couple of pages of books and I got the impression that while he was a diplomat to the bone, who wielded words like a sword, and was a schemer, a central figure in the Court's intrigue he did believe in traditions, in the conservatism of his era, in Christianity (despite being a womanizer apparently), and the enlightened absolutism (although Francis' absolutism was way less enlightened than some previous notable monarchs). He probably wasn't really a cynic, but he thought about the new ideas as silly fads of the youngsters or some such. Most importantly he did not felt ill towards Hungarians or the Kingdom of Hungary - unlike the Czech Kollowrat.
I found his comments to various people about his visits of the 1925-27 Diet (the Hungarian legislation) amusing. Lemme quote him:
actually forces me to change my language and my robes. I have to speak Latin and dress like a Hussar, and the only liberty which I take on this occasion is a refusal to wear moustaches
Fun depiction of Hungarian noble fashion. And:
Today I am traveling back and forth between the two capitals, happily no farther from each other than two London suburbs; in one I am a German and in the other a Hungarian; a strange fate.
The two capitals he meant Vienna and Pozsony (Pressburg), where the assembly assembled in those years.
He did fear Hungarian nationalism tho, but not liberal and socialist notions. Even in case of the moderate Count Széchenyi, he felt suspicion and utilized the secret police to shadow him, just in case. His views also blindsided him, for he saw that the Hungarian nobility as a whole was even more conservative than himself (he even considered the Estates of Hungary as a support of the king), but never considered that the rest of the society will demand a change, with the leadership of couple of key figures from the reform-nobility.

Bernd 03/16/2024 (Sat) 08:56 [Preview] No.51789 del
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Couple of more things I wanna note.
It seems Metternich was fond of the extravagant lifestyle a politician of his stature enjoyed - and to keep that up he spent a copious amount of money, both from the imperial treasury and from loans. He was indebted to the Rothschilds throughout his life. Those guys however don't give just money not expecting more in return, but if someone is broke but in high office they surely accept "favors" in return.
Related to this. After he was forced to resign on 1848 March 13th he took his family out of Austria and traveled to London. Their stay was entirely financed by loans, this time besides the bankers he also got money from Czar Nicholas I. It is obvious he preserved his foreign contacts (aristocracy everywhere was all related anyway) and influence, and kept open lines. I bet later for the Russian intervention of 1949 he extended his influence and lobbied. Holy Alliance and all that.
Lastly it is not easy to tell his actual role and actions. As above noted he put the secret police on Széchenyi, but his main area was foreign politics and Kolowrat held the interior matters. Does this means that actually Kolowrat decided to watch Széchenyi? However Metternich was the senior, he was the Chancellor after all, he could have a say in anything. On the other hand it is noted that Francis took Kolowrat to counter Metternich, and they remained competitors forever.
It's obvious that the Court was full of intrigues, and as I noted in this thread it was also full of cliques and the courtiers had their own interests and belonged to various cliques depending on these interests. They tried to play to others to gain advantage and favors, gain more prestige, power, and access to the treasury. One thing unified them tho: they all had an interest to keep the current order , because their existence and the continuation of their games depended on it.

August 20th Day of State Foundation Bernd 08/20/2024 (Tue) 10:36 [Preview] No.52331 del
Always keep in mind that all men are born in the same state, and nothing elevates more but the humility, nothing sinks more than pride and malice.

King Saint Stephen dedicated the Admonitions to his son Saint Emeric, a short set if instructions, a so called mirror for princes, a guide on how to rule, about the ten pillars of kings. The actual author seems to be a high priest, close to the king, but it is surely was ordered by Stephen, and contains thoughts that implies he also gave his opinions what to cover and how.
It's fun that the introduction notes: soft things make you soft. Emeric as a child could not yet face the hardships of military campaigns and battles, which were important themes in the life of the adult king Stephen, and he needs not just the nourishment of soft mush he was fed until now, but has to taste the sour wine of life.

I. Keeping he Catholic faith
For starters this is an interesting point. He says only those can gain the title of the king who are faithful and Catholic. We shouldn't forget that when this was written, and when the Hungarian Kingdom formed, when the Hungarian rulers gained the kingship, the title Rex - instead of Dux, elevated from there - the conflict between Rome and Constantinople was deeper and deeper and culminated in the 1054's Great Schism. So firstly this point shows only Christians can become kings, it is a Christian title. Second while at that point still everyone was Catholic, perhaps this is a refusal of Orthodoxy.
The work mentions the importance the belief in the Holy Trinity as is, and warn against those who want to change or reduce or inflate it. Warns about heresy.
II. Honor the Church's order
The Church as institution not the building or ritual. As the title says, honor it, defend it, and make it grow.
III. Respect the high priest
The advice is: they should be the key officials. Absolution is in their hands and they can tie men to sin too. On the other hand if one of them turns to sin, the king should warn him and make him find him the path back to righteousness (or snitch on him to the Church).

Bernd 08/20/2024 (Tue) 10:37 [Preview] No.52332 del
IV. Respect the lay aristocracy and warriors
They are the wall defending the country, the protectors of the weak, the destroyers of enemies, and the expanders of the borders. They shouldn't be put to servitude. Don't be haughty with them, but lead them with virtue
V. True judgement and patience
I feel this one Machiavellian, perhaps I could find hints to previous points too, but this is a bit more apparent. Essentially leave judgements to the judges, and only serve justice in cases which suits well enough to make the king look good. Otherwise appear patient with everyone, don't swear oaths - don't pick sides essentially, he should distance himself from making enemies for decisions, leave that to the judges.
VI. About hosting guests and how to patronize them
Guests and newcomers enrich the country. They are basically sources of information, opportunities to learn. They bring knowledge and skills, weapons (literal, but information is a weapon too).
VII. The weight of the Council
Listen to the Council, listen to the old and wise. Avoid young, dumb, mediocre and proud ones.
VIII. Sons follow the predecessors
This is about continuity and traditions. The one about guests sounds progressive, this one is conservative. Fathers should direct the sons, and sons should obey their fathers. And then repeat when they become ones, follow the customs of the old. This point also says that each folk has their won customs and they should by ruled by that custom.
IX. Keep praying
X. Piety, mercy, and other virtues
Patience, strength, humility, temperance, gentleness, honourable, chasteness.

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VENEZUELA HAPPENING Bernd 04/30/2019 (Tue) 11:07 [Preview] No. 25388 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Venezuela coup has begun!

6 hours ago Reuters made an exclusive on Blackwater going around advocating for a 5000 PMC force to beat Maduro.

And now this is happening:

El PAIS live stream
https://youtube.com/watch?v=rqhhSJQRGkQ [Embed]
106 posts and 19 images omitted.

Bernd 08/03/2024 (Sat) 16:01 [Preview] No.52280 del
>>52248 (self-reply)
The most plausible excuse for the official 80% why not 79,53 or 81,49%, this is also a bit suspicious results is that the vote counts were approximations innocently derived from the percentages. But if electoral authorities had the percentages, they had the real vote counts, why didn't they announce these? If 5,150,092 is merely an approximation, then Maduro was declared a winner without a public vote count at all. And if this excuse was truly the case, couldn't they have issued an explanation? The official results are as transparent as a brick wall.

In any case, the 96.87% results make it foolish to believe in innocent approximations. Each candidate now has properly broken percentages, so their supposed vote counts purport to be raw data rather than an approximation. So why would the invalid vote count be an approximation? How did they calculate total votes?

I'd speculate the 80% numbers were hastily devised on napkin math in the presidential palace on the very day of the election, or otherwise they'd look more plausible - the CNE's website wouldn't go down and the government would provide detailed results. Maduro's associates likely expected a demoralized opposition or prepared a different method of fraud which didn't work out as expected.

>Cuban troops
These have been mentioned for years >>25565. It's difficult to confirm these claims, but they might explain Venezuela's oil subsidies to Cuba. According to a 2005 report:
>Venezuela is sending approximately 90,000 barrels per day (bpd) of oil to Cuba. Venezuela’s oil contribution to Cuba represents less than 3.5 percent of its total oil production, and it is easily affordable. For Cuba, on the other hand, 90,000 bpd represents an invaluable lifeline that more than meets the island’s energy needs. Much of this Venezuelan oil is subsidized. Because payment terms are so favorable to Cuba, analysts estimate that Venezuela is providing Cuba approximately 20,000 to 26,000 bpd of free oil, for a total “gift” of $6 to $8 billion over the next 15 years.
>In return for oil, Cuba is sending Venezuela between 30,000 and 50,000 technical staff. As many as 30,000 Cubans in Venezuela are presumably medical doctors. Some are sport coaches, teachers, and arts instructors. An undisclosed number consists of intelligence, political, and military advisers.

There's an ideological explanation, Cuba is the Holy Land of Latin American leftism, which is a particular kind of internationalism despite its nationalist rhetoric. But the self-interested explanation is that the Bolivarian government relies on Cuban intelligence and military assistance as a sort of Varangian guard. The two regimes have a symbiotic relationship which might not be equally beneficial to their countries.
Further points to consider: Chávez sought medical treatment in Cuba and Maduro's inner circle is allegedly involved in santería (Afro-Cuban paganism). Some accuse the exhumation of Simón Bolívar's body in 2010 to have involved a santero ritual.

Bernd 08/03/2024 (Sat) 16:29 [Preview] No.52281 del
They claimed their computer infrastructure was under cyberattack.
Perhaps US really did that but team Maduro had to say soemthing so they just came up with these bogus numbers based on some data.

Bernd 08/18/2024 (Sun) 00:33 [Preview] No.52325 del
Events are unfolding in a completely predictable course. The opposition holds demonstrations but the military and police remain loyal. Maduro is content to sit on a throne of bayonets. Lula and other moderate leftists in the continent have offered negotiations, all of which have so far been rejected by Maduro. Lula is in an uncomfortable position, trapped between losing a longtime regional ally and losing votes for his party. Suggesting negotiations allows his ally to whitewash legitimacy without the PR disaster of directly endorsing Maduro's electoral results, which is precisely what Lula's party did. He has gone so far as to publicly disavow his party's position. Lately he called the Venezuelan regime "very unpleasant" and "authoritarian", but "not a dictatorship", which neither side was pleased to hear.
Negotiations could be a clever move by Maduro. He's done it before, goading the opposition into backing down from confrontation and fooling it with empty concessions. A repeat election would be even better, it would be a second chance to demoralize voter turnout and rig the results. Lula knows this, he's giving his ally a way out. Maybe Maduro will accept under further international pressure. So far he refuses to back down even on a rhetorical level, counting on his coup-proofing measures. The National Guard, Militia and even the colectivo paramilitaries are potential counterweights to Army unrest. Cuban advisors, even a handful of them, keep a watch on suspicious officers. Even then, all of this is a risky bet. Coup-proofing is always perfectly successful until it isn't. Individual officers know popular acclaim or even CIA cash await them if they refuse to disperse demonstrations.

Hispanophone Maduro apologetics resort to cheap claims like the voting tallies already having been submitted to the Supreme Court (whose presiding judge is a card-carrying member of the ruling party) or the release of tallies not being needed at all. Anglophone apologists resort to the beaten litany of color revolution, CIA-backed, upper class oppositionists and so on.
I've watched clips from Maduro's speeches and he's nothing like that. His rhetoric has some classical far left components (fascism, imperialism, bourgeois representative democracy is a lie, we're building a new democracy of the 21st century) but it's a chaotic mix. There's room for religion (reading the Bible, accusing his enemies of Satanism, mentioning the "Venezuelan family", describing himself as in a "spiritual fight between good and evil"), generation shock (uninstalling Whatsapp, attacking tech companies), Palestine-baiting or Jew-baiting (claiming his enemies are financed by international Zionism) and other colorful influences.
A much livelier personality than his defenders. He's funny in a buffoonish, unintentional way. None of Chavéz's charisma.

Also notable are the intelligence and police services running psychological terrorism through heavily edited footage of their arrests of opposition figures. Another bullet point to Venezuela's cyberpunk status. It's not cyberpunk because of purple filters and flashing lights (though these might appear) but from authorities publicizing a crackdown like it's a funny meme. It could even be awe-inspiring if they had a proper production quality.

Bernd 08/18/2024 (Sun) 00:38 [Preview] No.52326 del
Older news: this regime also relies on "hate speech" to suppress certain kinds of discussion, much like advanced Western democracies. The big difference is that in Venezuela, it's hate speech against individual authorities.

Bernd 08/18/2024 (Sun) 14:16 [Preview] No.52329 del
Sounds like Lula had to pick between two seats, and he chose sitting on the floor. Vaguely I remember him doing another failure of a balancing act some time ago, no?
>Maduro's rhetoric
He obviously has to refuse fascism. That is always a good move. Then has to claim he is democratic despite not fulfilling the liberal-democratic expectations of the West. Then have to ponder to the Catholic traditions of Hispanics, South Americans; they were always faithful, even commies. Then have to place himself within the geopolitical trends, USA is unfriendly, means have to align against Israel. etc etc. At least that's my impression from your sketch.

Hatespeech is ofc silly to begin with. And really if we say can do hatespeech against group X, then surely can be done against group Y. Since it's nonsense there are no rules where to apply.

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Real News Thread Bernd 01/15/2022 (Sat) 20:51 [Preview] No. 46125 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Volcano Hunga erupted near Tonga, causing tsunami all over the place. Japanese news full of it. Lol at countries with seashores.

230 posts and 166 images omitted.

Bernd 07/17/2024 (Wed) 09:22 [Preview] No.52214 del
You mean liek Fornite? If I weren't an old man even then I wouldn't play that gay shit either.

Bernd 07/17/2024 (Wed) 09:44 [Preview] No.52215 del
That sounds like something an old man would say(though I actually agree, it's not very good).

Bernd 07/18/2024 (Thu) 14:16 [Preview] No.52220 del
Good - 41 mins - video by Wyatt of DPA, about the shooting, and related politics.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=sHKWhXAnb80 [Embed]

While I was watching I thought: where were the drones? Even with the cheapo DJI Mavic they could have kept the whole area under surveillance.

Bernd 07/31/2024 (Wed) 14:30 [Preview] No.52252 del
Stabbing attack happened in Southport, England. Three young girls were killed, eight more were wounded, five of them are in critical condition. People are outraged ofc, and went to the streets. Three suspects were arrested, one of them 17 years old.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=PXLzgan9mSE [Embed]

>import sandniggers
>they kill a bunch of euros
>now watch euroes beat up and arrest each other

This "live updates" news become very prominent at every event happening. Then these articles disappear to never be found again. No news sites keep workable archives. When we'll try to look back from the distance over a decade and search for the events, we'll find nothing happened.

Bernd 08/17/2024 (Sat) 20:12 [Preview] No.52323 del
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The Award...
For the First Recorded Case of Monkeypox Outside Africa...
Goes to...
Give them a great applause!

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Sports Bernd 11/07/2021 (Sun) 19:28 [Preview] No. 45473 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Does Bernd go to gym? Maybe Bernd does other sports?
If not, you should start!
298 posts and 150 images omitted.

Bernd 08/10/2024 (Sat) 07:30 [Preview] No.52305 del
5-5-5! We need a couple more gold to beat that non-country in front of us! COME ON!

Bernd 08/10/2024 (Sat) 18:58 [Preview] No.52307 del
5-7-6. But fugging Uzbekistan got above us with one more gold and eight less medals.

Bernd 08/11/2024 (Sun) 16:41 [Preview] No.52310 del
Japan shot above us and they are now on 20 Gold Medals(and Australia is still stuck on 18). Japan did really well in wrestling and they also got a gold medal in women's Javelin and women's Breakdancing.
Our women's breakdancer became a meme... She wasn't very good.

Both China and the USA are on 40 gold Medals now and I am going to bed. The Olympics will be over when I get up and I hope that China will push ahead of the USA and manage to win. That would be something.

I would guess that you regret calling New Zealand a non-country, given that you are below even more of a non-country now. But New Zealand is doing really well, they have 10 gold medals at the moment. New Zealand is doing even better than Australia is per capita.

Bernd 08/11/2024 (Sun) 17:43 [Preview] No.52312 del
>you regret calling New Zealand a non-country,
Will never regret such thing.
>you regret calling New Zealand a non-country,
Yeah, pesky Canada is now between NZ and us with Uzbekistan.

Bernd 08/12/2024 (Mon) 08:21 [Preview] No.52314 del
Olympics came to their end. The sporting drama ended - they seem to be proud of such bs.
The final ranking established, both US and China won 40 gold medals, but the US medal harvest in volume was greater. Much greater by 35 medals. Many countries would be glad just with the half of that.
This table is chiefly weighs the gold as the metrics to establish the rankings. Purely if we count all the medals won, the order would change a bit. Not by much, but Brazil - with her low gold count - would jump a lot.
As for Hungary, the expected medal count was around 20, which "target" our competitors accomplished. Basically on the level of previous olympic achievements. Surprisingly no medals in water polo, which we are traditionally strong in.
If we take a look at the sports and the medal distribution - athletics, canoe, fencing, swimming, pentathlon, shooting, taekwondo - we can declare we "specialize" in canoe, swimming, and fencing pentathlon also include swimming, fencing, and shooting. Taekwondo is a fluke. It would be nice if our athletes could diversify, and bring results in other sports.
We'll see in four years how they fare. If we live that long.

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Outdoors thread Bernd 12/28/2019 (Sat) 23:54 [Preview] No. 33559 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Let's start off with a little game. Guess which countries each photo was taken in.
354 posts and 538 images omitted.

Bernd 08/04/2024 (Sun) 14:08 [Preview] No.52285 del
I'd make fun of you to find -1 a challange but I'm sure I would be the same in -30C. And climbing a mountain 2-3000 ms tall is not nothing. My greatest climb was from 2-300 ms to 900+. Tho I was in the Tatra as a kid and I can't recall the specifics.
In cold being wet is a real dread. Cold itself is meh, but the water just sucks the heat out of a person. So sweating has to be avoided as much as possible - but sometimes it's impossible a change of t-shirt can come in handy in case the worn one is sweated through. When I go for a walk into the woods I often take off my jacket, hat, scarf/shemagh and if I have gloves, and climb in a t-shirt and a hoodie well not counting my pants and boxers, and socks, and boots. Around -1 is an ideal temp for general hiking. No insects, no mud. But I think between +10 and -10 its okay.
A thermos full of warm tea, and a chocolate bar can also make all the difference.
I can't even imagine a first experience you had with cold and ice. Perhaps if I visited the Sahara, that would be similar environmental change.
>We soon figured that ice was immune to cloth but could go away with water from our flasks.
You mean you tried to rub the frost off the car with cloth?
>At least I have bragging rights now.
For sure. But you still have to walk on snow, and feel how it crunches under your feet, and wash your face in it.

Bernd 08/04/2024 (Sun) 14:10 [Preview] No.52286 del
Now you could make fun of the fellas on >>>/ausneets/.

Bernd 08/06/2024 (Tue) 13:27 [Preview] No.52290 del
Sweat was the number one concern all the veterans warned me of, and I brought a spare shirt in my backpack precisely for this reason and I switched into it at the top. I managed to remain mostly dry, the strong winds were a blessing. I spent much of the descent wearing no coat at all, just relying on the sun and a constant pace to keep me warm and the wind to keep me dry. When I saw the dry vegetation and dusty roads around the camp, my instincts told me it was 30 °C, even though it was much colder.

>You mean you tried to rub the frost off the car with cloth?
Indeed. We also figured trying to forcefully break the ice would be stupid.

Bernd 08/07/2024 (Wed) 07:41 [Preview] No.52292 del
A common wisdom here that when going out people should dress layered, so they can shed or put on clothing depending on the need. They never actually tell it how to do it properly and when - because they never actually go out. But the basic truth is in there.
Supposedly wool insulates even when wet. In the past years I read wool and synthetic blends are a good pick for the first layer. I don't know I never tried, all my crap is cotton and cotton/synthetic.
>When I saw the dry vegetation and dusty roads around the camp, my instincts told me it was 30 °C, even though it was much colder.

Dutch bernd Bernd 08/08/2024 (Thu) 02:55 [Preview] No.52293 del
Ack bernd.

Neeties are gud lads, so I'd rather not

Politics Serious Discussion - Getting out edition Bernd 04/24/2020 (Fri) 17:54 [Preview] No. 36217 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Justice Minister Moro resigned. He is immensely popular and was doing a good job. There have been high-profile arrests and in 2019 the number of murders dropped by 10 thousand compared to the previous year, a decrease of a fifth. This is a result of many factors: in the Northeast cooperation among cartels reduced violence, but the reduction happpened in other states. Legislation wasn't a factor as there was next to no real change in this regard. He retains much prestige despite the scandal with his leaks, eternal hate from the left due to being Lula's nemesis and repeated disempowerment of the anti-corruption struggle by Congress and the Supreme Court.
What caused this was Bolsonaro's elimination of Federal Police director Maurício Valeixo, who had been picked by Moro. In his final address he noted that:
-There was no legitimate reason for this as he had been effective in his post
-This was a violation of the promise Bolsonaro made upon naming him Minister, that he'd have freedom to handle subordinates
-Bolsonaro also intends to replace a subordinate of the director, the Rio de Janeiro superintendent, and possibly other superintendents, which goes against his spirit of giving autonomy to subordinates
-A replacement now would create confusion and harm the Federal Police's functioning
-Bolsonaro personally told him this was a political choice

Why political? He did not say this straight, but what everyone says is that it was to protect Bolsonaro's sons from investigation, and hence why the Rio de Janeiro superintendent is also involved. Their corruption accusations are petty for Brazilian standards but what's bigger are accusations they might be tied to militias. As always Bolsonaro's sons are his priority. This behavior doesn't come out of nowhere as he has few contacts in Brasília, having lived his career in the sidelines, and many reasons to be distrustful. Moro isn't someone he has a reason to distrust but his sons still came first.
496 posts and 280 images omitted.

Bernd 07/08/2024 (Mon) 07:05 [Preview] No.52171 del
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French election happened yesterday. Charts by lemonade.
Comfortable win for all but not RN. Macron wish to show "democratic" powers are still strong as written here >>52055 is fulfilled.
RN fell not just short from the necessary ~300 seats, but way short. They got about half of it.
I highly suspect Macron and co. (and even Le Pen) already knew what will happen. I think this is also a media stunt to chill those who would side with the "far-right", to put back into their places.
The greatest joke is this alliance of all the socialist parties, from communists to socdems. Really show how socdems babbies will always run to the tanky daddy to defend them from evil fascists.

Bernd 07/08/2024 (Mon) 09:04 [Preview] No.52172 del
What a mess.
So basically France is going to be without a function government for several years. Though theoretically the centre could ally with the right and form government but that does not seem likely. The central PM already resigned.

So then there is probably going to be a PM form the left who is representing a coalition of various factions that can't agree on anythign and on top of that need the support of the centre or the right to do anything anyway and on top of that the centre and the right can potentially up end everything and form their own legislation without the left agreeing to it at all(maybe, I am not sure how French government works and whether opposition parties can put forward legislation or not).

Bernd 07/08/2024 (Mon) 09:38 [Preview] No.52173 del
The left (purple and pink) with the liberals (center, yellow) will form a grand coalition, perhaps including with the "conservatives" (on blue).
Fascist brown shirts will be left out.
It would matter if there would be ideological differences, or different views in key questions, but they all agree on everything.
Besides a modern democratic state in the EU doesn't need functioning government at all, and perhaps not even a functioning parliament (they'll all vote yes on the matters the economical factors want them to vote yes anyway).

Bernd 07/08/2024 (Mon) 10:58 [Preview] No.52174 del
I was wrong, the PM always resigns, that's just a formality. So he could still come back as PM. But yes I don't think it will be in a Centre-Right coalition. Maybe the Centre will work something out with the left or at least parts of the left.

I honestly didn't check what the campaigns and proposals of each party were. So I am not sure how different they are.

Like the UK France is also heavily in debt but the French government is also much more integrated into the economy than it is in most nations, both of those aspects are fairly left wing so in theory there would not be much change to it. I certainly don't see a left wing government reducing government debt and reducing government integration in the economy.

Bernd 07/18/2024 (Thu) 11:01 [Preview] No.52218 del
(56.76 KB 951x634 uvdl.jpg)
The EU Parliament votes soon if von der Leyen gets another term as a prez of the EU Commission (which is basically like a government, its the executive branch within the EU institutions). The term is for 5 years.
Result will be in about two hours.

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Bernd 07/01/2024 (Mon) 12:00 [Preview] No. 52138 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
>nigger :D

(6.08 MB 4800x2945 rondônia.jpg)
(4.92 MB 4800x2945 rondônia 2.jpg)
(7.16 MB 4800x2945 rondônia 3.jpg)
Bernd 11/01/2018 (Thu) 21:34 [Preview] No. 20411 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
ITT: post interesting sattelite images and what's notable about them.

These are shots from Rondônia state, where human settlement is strikingly clear. Highways -most notably, the BR-364 flowing SE to NE- and their evenly spaced perpendicular side roads flow deep into the jungle, with deforestation, cattle herding, agriculture and urbanization (roughly in this order) following suite. This leaves a light green (mostly composed of pasture) grid dotted with gray points where lines meet, overlaid on a dark green matrix. Few other places have so many clear, sharp edges that can be easily seen from extreme heights.
85 posts and 106 images omitted.

Bernd 04/27/2024 (Sat) 10:45 [Preview] No.51928 del
>happens in the nearby villages
According to the video they sell it in that one town. Which makes sense as probably that's the center of trade with a market where people form nearby villages go to sell their stuff and buy whatever they need.
I'll read the article later.

>that land did belong to someone, no matter how loose property claims may have been.
The land can be privately owned or by the state. If the state lacks the resources to keep track of whatsgoingon, or lack regulations and people can squat anywhere perhaps they really can just settle and produce what they need.
For me its hard to imagine for I live in this bureaucratic shithole EU, and semi-authoritarian shithole Hungary. For example we have a law that says I can spend max 24 hours anywhere in the woods at one place, and can't erect permanent structures. Maybe Madagascar lacks such law. Could be /out/ist wet dream. Who knows.
>well known by locals, and yet Google has no trace of it
I concur with the implication that while we have the unprecedented power to look at any place in the world, or get information just about anything, this also creates the illusion of all-knowing and makes us blind to massive amount of information that really exists. Language barrier is still there no matter of auto/AI translators, and possibilities to get certain information in governmental databases - which might or might not be accessible online even for the locals - is slim.

Bernd 04/28/2024 (Sun) 10:18 [Preview] No.51930 del
Read that blogpost here >>51926 and I suspect it's a Madagascaran practice of land development to let communities to form themselves, let inner migration free to occupy and cultivate previously seldomly used lands, turning the unused means of production (the land, the soil) to be put to work and naturally allow growth without state investment.
I do suspect there is a merchant in that nearby town who deals in wholesale products and buy fruits and who then exports it.
There is still that chapter from the book he links to be explored or directly the laws of Madagascar. I'm not sure I'll go to either direction.

Bernd 06/26/2024 (Wed) 12:43 [Preview] No.52107 del
(1.14 MB 1914x907 circles1.png)
(1.27 MB 1918x896 circles2.png)
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(1.71 MB 1919x904 circles4.png)
Another line of circles. Lines of circles, many of them. This time in Iran.

Bernd 06/26/2024 (Wed) 12:51 [Preview] No.52108 del
So these are part of irrigation systems, 11 all in all registered at UNESCO. Chains of wells and tunnels to channel water from below the hillsides to the settlements. They idea is some three thousand years old, and they are working and maintained today still. Some article I found said that about 40K people's water is supported by them.

Bernd 06/26/2024 (Wed) 12:58 [Preview] No.52109 del
(1.73 MB 1911x904 circles-iran.png)
Now it's all nice and good. But what the fuck is this? There are the circles of qanat system at the top of the picture, but that large circle with the 12 circles within. What that might be? Obviously human made that's not a mystery. It's near Yazd, S-SW from the settlement or thereabout.

koryŏ watch threda Bernd 06/26/2017 (Mon) 17:19 [Preview] No. 8410 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
today as I've been reading the best source of PROOFS (I mean, they're funded by a government, they literally can't be biased) I noticed this
>Former South Korean President Park Geun-hye was making plans to assassinate North Korean leader Kim Jong-un

since koryŏ has been quite busy lately I think it warrants a specific thread
255 posts and 115 images omitted.

Bernd 09/12/2023 (Tue) 07:07 [Preview] No.51015 del
Oh wow, such sparkling foreign relations.

Bernd 06/18/2024 (Tue) 17:53 [Preview] No.52070 del
Glorious Leaders visiting each other. Well, at least one visits the other.
Should be in the Syria war thread, since this thing is highly related to Ukraine. With all the ammo Koryo supplies Russia with, and Russia reciprocating with tech and whatnot.
Frankly Russia is the only friend in the region, for China isn't just a friend, but a threat as well. If anyone could take over - if they want directly - that would be China.

Bernd 06/21/2024 (Fri) 06:50 [Preview] No.52078 del
Article says stuff liek:
>Kim Jong Un and Putin took an open limousine amid a sea of dancers sweeping the square.
Must have been very nice.

Bernd 06/25/2024 (Tue) 06:34 [Preview] No.52095 del
While futball many great things are going around like these two in a car. Specifically a Russian made limo, apparently.
>Putin gave the North Korea leader a tea set and a dagger
>and a dagger
Sounds like a very KGB thing to do. I mean I've got knives and pocket knives as presents and I've given too, but dagger. Damn.

Bernd 06/25/2024 (Tue) 07:10 [Preview] No.52096 del
Btw this is pretty much broke sanctions in place against North Korea. They can import anything via Russia now. And anyone can trade now with NK via Russian proxies.