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Blengo and 3d modelling thread Bernd 08/23/2021 (Mon) 16:08 [Preview] No. 44822 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Ok, dedicated thread is opened.

Major update with the ship, I have to get used to modifiers again. I run into problems. Solved it but was fiddly.
Also I really don't like that baby blue water. Something has to be done, but not a priority. Many, many details and possibilities to add, still wanting to keep it simple.
I did not want to overcomplicate the boat neither, so no rigging just for the jib or how the triangle sail is called, so it don't levitate in the air.
37 posts and 18 images omitted.

Bernd 03/30/2024 (Sat) 07:50 [Preview] No.51834 del
Impressive. So the rig with the model more or less works. Shoulders need some working on?

Oh well.
Spoilering is tricky. I have to retest it because I don't remember at the moment. I think the big checkbox needs to be checked all the time, and only those small which images need spoilering.

Bernd 03/30/2024 (Sat) 16:17 [Preview] No.51836 del
Yes, I fixed the shoulders as well as some other issues. To make the rig I had to merge vertices at a further distance than I normally would as it would not let me make the rig with Vertices too close. I didn't notice until afterwards but that ruined the mouth and navel, so then I had to fix that but in doing so even more issues came up with faces that were facing outwards thinking they were facing inwards and refusing to be corrected when I tried so I had to do more work to fix that so I could paint them again. Somewhere along the line that failed to translate into Unreal when I re exported it and so now she has red marks on her lips. I guess what I would have to do is reunwrap it in Blender to get the image texture fixed.

Bernd 03/30/2024 (Sat) 17:44 [Preview] No.51837 del
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Sadly I can't give suggestions or tips on how to form such model. I chose to model Capn. Bernd as a lego figurine for a reason. Each limbs are separate meshes themselves.
>now she has red marks on her lips.
Looks like a chink with big teeth.

Bernd 04/01/2024 (Mon) 19:34 [Preview] No.51848 del
I think this ship looks /comfy/ and homely in a possibly nostalgic r low poly shot of way.

I wounder how easy would it be o make a pseudo-3D game with still screencaps of 3D assets in RPG maker? Like Donkey Kong on the SNES.

sorry for Tor posting and replying to something a bit old, just wanted to show my love for that ship. Have a great day, Bernds!

Bernd 04/06/2024 (Sat) 19:34 [Preview] No.51870 del
>I think this ship looks /comfy/ and homely in a possibly nostalgic r low poly shot of way.
>how easy would it be
In case of RPG maker I guess a lot depends on the creation of assets. If it goes well, the rest is given by RPG maker. Okay writing is another thing.
>Like Donkey Kong on the SNES.
On RPG Maker?

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20rh August State Foundation Day Bernd 08/20/2018 (Mon) 06:19 [Preview] No. 18586 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
A year passed and again this day commemorates the foundation of Hungary, this is 1018th birthday. We celebrate this national holiday with listening to politicians mixing irrelevant daily politics into historical events in the morning and watching fireworks in the evening. Budapesterners can witness the procession of state founder Saint Stephen's Holy Dexter. Also all the local communities have their own little celebrations.
This is the third time I make this thread, and I won't post much, maybe I'll post something about what happened today - if anything interesting - later.
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Bernd 10/23/2023 (Mon) 16:06 [Preview] No.51193 del
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So, while the revolution and war of independence was still ongoing they formed a government around Kádár, and when the Soviet intervetion begin they started a broadcast saying that Nagy Imre (the PM during the struggle, faithful communist himself, Muscowite but not part of the 5-man clique and had troubling social-democratic deviations) was weak and counter-revolutionaries sidetracked the reform movement. They are essentially labeled the revolution as a reactionary counter-revolution - since communists appropriated the term revolution - and said this is why they had to form a new government, and then this government asked the help of the Soviet comrades. On November 7th Kádár and his govt. arrived to Budapest. Fights were went on to the 11th.

The Reprisal was essentially a political murder spree in a legal coating.
Random executions basically started right after the new government came with the Red Army. During the revolution the political police, the AVH was abolished, members fled to the Soviet Union, and they came back, employed again in the state apparatus, mind set on revenge. The Red Army supported them, their local commander was a KGB general.
By 1957 March-April, the legal foundation was laid, but not by the legislation, but by the central committee of the party which issued statutes in the name of the government. They simplified the penal procedure, condensed it to the quickness of martial law. New judiciary bodies were set up entrusted with the retribution.
They were quite busy. They found 26-27 000 people guilty. 470 people got death penalty, 372 were executed by them (some execution were done outside the legal framework). Over 20 000 were sent to prison, and another 10-15 000 were gulaged. Over 200 000 people made the choice to emigrate.

Bernd 10/23/2023 (Mon) 16:19 [Preview] No.51194 del
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The era of Reprisal is usually considered the years between 1956 and 1963. But cases went on beyond that, verdicts were made at least to '66. But '63 was the year of the first general amnesty, when many were pardoned. Many rot in prison up to 1974.
Couple of interesting things to note.
In '57 December, they surveyed the work, and the Minister of Interior, Biszku Béla, pointed out, that "the numbers of physical extermination is relatively low". So they reopened the case of hundreds of people who served in various armed bodies of the state (from police, through prison guards, to army), stating their sentences were unproportionally light compared to their crime. 26 were got capital punishment.
Lot of people who participated in the fights against the Soviet forces were treated as common criminals and sentenced for attempted murder or murder. They were imprisoned as such, and 144 were executed as such. In relation to this those who were politically persecuted in 1989 got rehabilitated, the "common criminals" had to wait til 2000.
Biszku Béla was accused of various crimes after 2010, even war crimes, but all cases were dropped.

15th March, Revolution and War of Independence of 1848-49 Bernd 03/15/2024 (Fri) 14:37 [Preview] No.51786 del
During our discussion of this national holiday, the name Metternich came up a couple of times. What do we know?
Apparently Metternich is an Austrian rock band formed in 2016.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=mPAREt9aMUg [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=h_4RUPlwOJc [Embed]

Okay, this probably not it.
We are, of course, talking about Prince Klemens von Metternich, Chancellor and Foreign Minister of the Austrian Empire, the great opposer of revolutionary movements, and the counterweight in the Habsburg Court that prevented any meaningful change from feudalistic order, whose actions to keep the lid forcibly on the pot of boiling water just hastened the emergence of a new revolutionary wave. Some might call him close-minded, some clear-sighted. He was one of the most influential person of his day and age, probably his greatest work was the redrawn Europe after the Napoleonic Wars, although he wasn't the sole author of it.
I don't want to present a biography, read Wikipedia for that. I just want to acknowledge his work that led to the Revolution (and War of Independence) which he was not part of since he was forced by the Viennese to resign two days prior to the events on Hungary. But again while it wasn't entirely his own construct, he made a great pair for Emperor and King Francis in his absolutist politics. And then he became one party in another duo - with Franz Anton von Kolowrat - which replaced the weak Ferdinand to hold the reigns when it came to real governing.

Bernd 03/15/2024 (Fri) 14:39 [Preview] No.51787 del
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I skimmed couple of stuff on the internet, flipped couple of pages of books and I got the impression that while he was a diplomat to the bone, who wielded words like a sword, and was a schemer, a central figure in the Court's intrigue he did believe in traditions, in the conservatism of his era, in Christianity (despite being a womanizer apparently), and the enlightened absolutism (although Francis' absolutism was way less enlightened than some previous notable monarchs). He probably wasn't really a cynic, but he thought about the new ideas as silly fads of the youngsters or some such. Most importantly he did not felt ill towards Hungarians or the Kingdom of Hungary - unlike the Czech Kollowrat.
I found his comments to various people about his visits of the 1925-27 Diet (the Hungarian legislation) amusing. Lemme quote him:
actually forces me to change my language and my robes. I have to speak Latin and dress like a Hussar, and the only liberty which I take on this occasion is a refusal to wear moustaches
Fun depiction of Hungarian noble fashion. And:
Today I am traveling back and forth between the two capitals, happily no farther from each other than two London suburbs; in one I am a German and in the other a Hungarian; a strange fate.
The two capitals he meant Vienna and Pozsony (Pressburg), where the assembly assembled in those years.
He did fear Hungarian nationalism tho, but not liberal and socialist notions. Even in case of the moderate Count Széchenyi, he felt suspicion and utilized the secret police to shadow him, just in case. His views also blindsided him, for he saw that the Hungarian nobility as a whole was even more conservative than himself (he even considered the Estates of Hungary as a support of the king), but never considered that the rest of the society will demand a change, with the leadership of couple of key figures from the reform-nobility.

Bernd 03/16/2024 (Sat) 08:56 [Preview] No.51789 del
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Couple of more things I wanna note.
It seems Metternich was fond of the extravagant lifestyle a politician of his stature enjoyed - and to keep that up he spent a copious amount of money, both from the imperial treasury and from loans. He was indebted to the Rothschilds throughout his life. Those guys however don't give just money not expecting more in return, but if someone is broke but in high office they surely accept "favors" in return.
Related to this. After he was forced to resign on 1848 March 13th he took his family out of Austria and traveled to London. Their stay was entirely financed by loans, this time besides the bankers he also got money from Czar Nicholas I. It is obvious he preserved his foreign contacts (aristocracy everywhere was all related anyway) and influence, and kept open lines. I bet later for the Russian intervention of 1949 he extended his influence and lobbied. Holy Alliance and all that.
Lastly it is not easy to tell his actual role and actions. As above noted he put the secret police on Széchenyi, but his main area was foreign politics and Kolowrat held the interior matters. Does this means that actually Kolowrat decided to watch Széchenyi? However Metternich was the senior, he was the Chancellor after all, he could have a say in anything. On the other hand it is noted that Francis took Kolowrat to counter Metternich, and they remained competitors forever.
It's obvious that the Court was full of intrigues, and as I noted in this thread it was also full of cliques and the courtiers had their own interests and belonged to various cliques depending on these interests. They tried to play to others to gain advantage and favors, gain more prestige, power, and access to the treasury. One thing unified them tho: they all had an interest to keep the current order , because their existence and the continuation of their games depended on it.

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Syria Thread - Salty Stoltenberg edition Bernd 05/25/2023 (Thu) 08:51 [Preview] No. 50296 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Previous threda: >>48765

A new thread, a new offensive.

In Sudan fights continue, it seems largely thanks to the Rapid Support Forces cease-fire violations. Millions of people is getting displaced, guess where will they end up? Now that the situation is Syria starts to get normalized and people from refugee camps can return. I wonder on who's payroll on RSF is.

In Syria the situation is much the same. Except now Israel and the Hezbollah fights over the Palestinians. The first one don't need those people, just the land under their feet, the second one just wants to kill Jews.

On the Ukraine the AFU's counteroffensive is roaring. I cannot hear it due to the liveuamap only showing Russian action. But at least the Deepstate map shows nothing as well. How will they be able to tell people that this much promised offensive is on? Well I saw one article writing about the "tactical encirclement of Bakhmut, now the Russians are in trouble". Anywhere where the front is not perfectly straight one can claim there is an encirclement, but okay. Whatabout Avdiivka?
Here's a cool article from Reuters contemplating about the capture of Bakhmut.
Don't worry they establish right at the beginning U.S. Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin and NATO alliance head Jens Stoltenberg, and all the western experts say it's nothingburger. And they are right in a way, the high ground at Chasiv Yar and the ridge which separates Bakhmut from the chain of towns with Kramatorsk and Sloviansk are more important. But since god knows how many Ukrainian fighters were torn into pieces (I guesstimate it between 25K and 100K, maybe I'll make a post about how I reached this) Bakhmut was a very important battle.
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Bernd 02/19/2024 (Mon) 08:09 [Preview] No.51672 del
There is some movement between Orikhov and Tokmak near Robotyne. Now in reverse direction.
Youtube mappers and sitreppers noted yesterday that the Russians might have started an offensive in Zaporozhia oblast too.

Bernd 02/20/2024 (Tue) 20:04 [Preview] No.51675 del
>It seems that facility isn't that strongly fortified to hold, or perhaps there is no good route to supply anyone there.
It used to have the O0542 road and another one from Orlivka. They must've abandoned the coke plant because Russian pressure was unbearable, the local garrison had been hollowed out to reinforce other areas and/or general confusion had taken over their forces in the area.

Bernd 02/20/2024 (Tue) 20:31 [Preview] No.51676 del
I suspect that the northerly road is a dirt path (like the "second road" to Avdiivka) along a gully. Soggy to borderline boggy.

In the past couple of days I had the feeling the Ukrainian army is done. It's retreat from now own. More cracks will follow and they'll have to fall back, and then from elsewhere to avoid encirclement. And then there will be very little prepared lines at all. And then Ukraine will be "demilitarized".
The AFU run out of trained men (especially experienced), weapons, and ammunition. It is still a relatively capable army but not for the task this size anymore.
Then perhaps NATO involvement will happen, and some of the NATO countries will enter Ukraine to establish a security zone in the most Western areas. Perhaps they'll cite humanitarian reasons, for there will be another flood of refugees that the control of Kiev breaking down, and people can leave.
I can't say I can support this with hard facts. The freshly occupied patches of lands aren't significant enough. It just seems more rapid this year.

Bernd 02/20/2024 (Tue) 21:50 [Preview] No.51677 del
>In the past couple of days I had the feeling the Ukrainian army is done. It's retreat from now own. More cracks will follow and they'll have to fall back, and then from elsewhere to avoid encirclement. And then there will be very little prepared lines at all. And then Ukraine will be "demilitarized".
I think it's still far too early for that. Russia has been clearly winning for the past few months, and yet it can only manage slow, incremental territorial gains at a high cost. If it tried to mass troops for a "big arrow offensive", there would be no element of surprise and any deficiencies in officers, combined arms coordination and so on would become apparent. So slow advances like those taking place right now will continue, but maybe they'll happen in wider sectors of the front.

Bernd 02/20/2024 (Tue) 21:52 [Preview] No.51678 del
It is not a big arrow offensive what I described.

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Websites Bernd 04/30/2018 (Mon) 16:12 [Preview] No. 16201 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Let's share great websites. I'll start:
http://spidr.today/?c=de for news
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Bernd 01/26/2024 (Fri) 02:08 [Preview] No.51575 del
It's still good. T.Hanks for the link

Bernd 01/26/2024 (Fri) 02:09 [Preview] No.51576 del
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Speaking of websites, let's talk about our board.

We have old banners from years ago. With one linking to an old domain. Will mods update the info on the banners and/or add new banners? Time will tell

Bernd 01/26/2024 (Fri) 07:26 [Preview] No.51577 del
You are right. I'll look into it sometimes.

Bernd 01/27/2024 (Sat) 13:48 [Preview] No.51579 del
I could replace banners if someone makes new ones.

Bernd 01/28/2024 (Sun) 10:43 [Preview] No.51585 del
Perhaps this should go into the tech thread. But it is a great ChatGPT website:

Thank you for your service.
I'll see what can be done about it.

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Jokes, funny, etc Bernd 04/06/2019 (Sat) 14:43 [Preview] No. 24428 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
How many armies -- does it take to change a light bulb?
At least five. The Germans to start it, the French to give up really easily after only trying for a little while, the Italians to make a start, get nowhere, and then try again from the other side, the Americans to turn up late and finish it off and take all the credit, and the Swiss to pretend nothing out of the ordinary is happening....

What happens if a women and two men are marooned on a desert island?
If they are Swedish, the men will marry and ignore the woman....
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Bernd 11/02/2023 (Thu) 07:05 [Preview] No.51229 del

Bernd 01/08/2024 (Mon) 10:02 [Preview] No.51495 del
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This shit is hilarious and I totally missed it 7-8 years ago when it was relevant.
So in Sweden they figured they had to make snow-clearing/snowplowing gender-equal because statistically men uses the roads, cars more, and women the sidewalks and bicycle lanes. Now it's not clear to me if they divided the resources equally or scheduled the sidewalk clearing first, but Stockholm got stuck, public-transportation failed - which was also used by women and children abundantly.
Does feminism transform the brain somehow?

Bernd 01/25/2024 (Thu) 20:16 [Preview] No.51565 del
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Happy Australia Day, cunts.
Get a beer or three up ya.

Bernd 01/25/2024 (Thu) 20:24 [Preview] No.51566 del
You too.

Bernd 01/25/2024 (Thu) 20:25 [Preview] No.51567 del
Thanks, Big Fella.

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Bernd 07/21/2017 (Fri) 15:19 [Preview] No. 9058 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I'd fuck these 13 year olds so damn hard. What kind of faggot wouldn't want the age of consent lowered to 12?
309 posts and 93 images omitted.

Bernd 03/28/2021 (Sun) 07:16:06 [Preview] No.43139 del
Now you can post her on >>>/rapport/.

Bernd 03/28/2021 (Sun) 13:41:37 [Preview] No.43142 del
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Bam. Problem solved.
Made me remember I have to make a hat for Ecuador or Columbia.

Bernd 01/25/2024 (Thu) 07:58 [Preview] No.51563 del
Happy Birthday, Bernd!
I see you moved on...

sage Bernd 01/26/2024 (Fri) 01:28 [Preview] No.51568 del
>I see you moved on...

He still creepy though

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Cooking Gulyás reup Bernd 06/28/2018 (Thu) 07:17 [Preview] No. 17596 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I saw some Mexican asking for gulyás recipe on Kohl and because I don't really want to start posting there beside the World Cup I decided to reupload the gulyás cooking as the other thread is "File not found" as well. So here's with original text.

Cooking with Bernd: gulyás

I was planning to post a good gulyás cooking since day one but somehow the occasion eluded me until now. I know a Hungarobernd did this on KC main but it was regular "cooking in the kitchen" type of thread and not "over open fire in bogrács" (traditional Hungarian pot).
I couldn't do this live for technical reasons but it will be fine this way too.

Pic #1
Ingredients: meat (little bit over half a kilo, it's pork, not beef), taters (by volume I used about the double of the meat dunno their weight), onions, tomato, paprikas, black pepper in the mill, dried ground paprika in the jar with the red lid, salt in the middle, and the white wax paper on the right covers the salo (fatback).
You can also see my Mora for cutting needs and a bearly visible peace from a wooden spoon behind the meat and the potato, the masterpiece of my carving art, used for stir the food in the bogrács.
The taters are leftovers from winter, wizened but fine for our purpose. Some of the onions and the paprikas are also leftovers I utilized.

Pic #2
The initial setup. Two quarter logs at the sides and a nest in the middle for the fire itself also aligned toward the usual main direction of the wind. The rocks are there for a little draft control. Tripod to hang the bogrács.

Pic #3
Lighted a handful of dry grass, placed in the middle of the nest, then a large handful of dry twigs above, and sticks across the log above all. As these sticks burn in the middle they broke after a while and fall into the nest. The heat from the nest lights up the inside faces of the logs. The heat is very concentrated toward the nest. The cooking is going above the nest, and it really doesn't need much flames. The smoldering logs pumping up lotsa heat, only some sticks are needed to be placed inside the nest time to times. Also when a log burns through, a new can be placed there. I had several prepared.

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

484 posts and 232 images omitted.

Bernd 11/18/2023 (Sat) 11:20 [Preview] No.51268 del
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Condensed milk too!

Dutch bernd Bernd 01/04/2024 (Thu) 01:04 [Preview] No.51479 del
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Made cream of mushroom soup a few days ago. I liekd it. Filled me up and was full most of the day surprisingly

Dutch bernd Bernd 01/04/2024 (Thu) 01:04 [Preview] No.51480 del
What will they think of next? How does it taste though?

Bernd 01/05/2024 (Fri) 15:15 [Preview] No.51485 del
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I always wanna make mushroom cream soup. Never get to it for some reason.

Like condensed milk.
Goulashpaste. It's weird I never buy these.

Bernd 01/18/2024 (Thu) 00:35 [Preview] No.51528 del
>I always wanna make mushroom cream soup. Never get to it for some reason.

Just cook it slow and constantly. Should be made in a few minutes. I'm sure there's recipes online to follow for it

>Goulashpaste. It's weird I never buy these.

Try it and maybe you'll like it!

Literature thread Bernd 01/15/2019 (Tue) 14:28 [Preview] No. 22380 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I think we had one of these long ago, before the ameriball slide.

I have been looking into ancient literature recently and have a list of two but was hoping Bernd could help bulk up my list:
Epic of Gilgamesh
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Bernd 06/21/2023 (Wed) 11:12 [Preview] No.50474 del
You strongly implied it. But anyway, she's not a daddies girl either. The relationship between the two is vague, she does curse Arachne for insulting him but that does not say as much as the author of that book thinks it does. That would be the expected response for the child of any Greek family back then. But she certainly is not off his mind, she acts fairly different to him.
Anyway, other than this what the book says about her 'archetype' is that she is a hard-working professionally minded woman with an attraction towards strong men. All of that is false. She is a goddess, it's hard to say if she works hard or at all and it's really hard to say whether she works harder or less hard than other gods and goddess, though there certainly are some that work a lot harder than she does. She is also not romantically attracted to anybody, she does not help heroes out of attraction nor is she a friend of them. She is a goddess.

Everybody has the potential to become one. But under the same circumstances of Cinderella's step mother or Snow Whites step mother, she would not. If Snow White was the product of her husband cheating on her then maybe, but she was not.
Targetting a child because they are the product of your spouse cheating on you is a lot different than targetting a child because she is more beautiful than you or simply using one as slave labour. But also, when Paris did say that Aphrodite was the fairest goddess, Hera(and Athena) did not target Aphrodite, they targetted Paris. And a lot of her actions in the Trojan war were against Zeus and the interests and demands of Zeus as well.

Bernd 06/21/2023 (Wed) 15:56 [Preview] No.50477 del
>You strongly implied it.
Not at all. "Tomboys" are boyish looking girls. They might not do any boyish activities at all. But if they do certainly not spending it as father-daughter fun time. Why? Because their father hates them. Why? Because right at birth she gave the first disappointment in the line of many following disappointments: she was born as a girl. Yes, the father expected a boy, and she will be reminded of this for a long time. Not all such girls turn out to be "tomboys" before you start saying I implied that..., but even these won't be much girly, especially before they hit puberty. Her father will never tell her he loves her, and never commends her being a beaut. Not even when she would be actually pretty.
The Daddy's Girl is a pretty girl not all but most of them will believe this. Why? Because Daddy loves her being a girl. The father either just did not mind his child born as a girl, or he wanted a girl in the first place. And he will be the main influencing factor in her life. Mom is just a background item. He will be the role model when she browses for a mate. The strong man. And she (usually) will sift them well. Unlike most those women who never get love from their father and spend the rest of their lives sucking on various cocks in hope to finally please their daddy. So well that she might remain alone. Or perhaps she will wed several men, not one measuring up to her father.
Athene literally was born out of Zeus head. Zeus is her sole parent. They must have had quality father-daughter time while she grew up there. Athena had quite manly "occupation", had her own arms no less. And was also pretty. She won't be automatically The Daddy's Girl, but that's an example for this archetype.
I see what you don't like. That the author is a feminist, and there are some political load in the wording of the book.
But I have to tell you, Hera herself gave a punch to the author when she recognized in horror that herself has Hera tendencies.

Bernd 06/21/2023 (Wed) 16:56 [Preview] No.50480 del
Tomboys aren't hated by their fathers for being tomboys, that's absurd and many tomboys are daddies girls as well.

Mostly I agree about daddies girls though, they have higher self esteem due to their father pampering them and their adoration of their father causes them to have higher standards in men, though the mother is not just a background item.

I would not assume that they had quality father daughter time, as they are deities and he is Zeus. Also she was born from Zeus's head already fully grown and armed.
Her occupation and character isn't really manly, in many ways that's the whole point. There are two War Gods, Ares could be considered to be a manly war God whereas Athena is a feminine one.
And daddies girls aren't manly or feminine, there are those that hunt with their dad but also daddies little princesses that don't do anything even vaguely masculine.
There simply isn't that much of a strong relationship between Athena and Zeus, she is not a daddies girl any more than any other girl is.

I don't care if she is a feminist or not and I did not notice anything political about the book, and for the record I also strongly disagree with Freud.
There is a tendency, particularly in psychology, to create the ideas that support your own views first and then to look for any scraps of an argument that might support that later, whilst ignoring anything that goes against it and ignoring context as well. In addition to that psychology is prone to feel good ideas and stories that make people feel special rather than any kind of actual truth. That's why she labelled the book, Goddess in every Woman in the first place. If those archetypes were independent of association with Goddesses most of my problems with that book would be gone. Maybe, thinking on that I still have other issues with it. My first thought was that the archetype of hard-working career driven woman with strong relationship with her father is a real archetype but then plenty of daddies girls don't work at all and plenty of women that have strong work ethics don't have strong relations with their fathers. So even then its not really very useful. So then what's left? That women with strong work ethics exist? Well that should be obvious, we don't need a book to tell us that.

Bernd 06/21/2023 (Wed) 17:10 [Preview] No.50481 del
>Also she was born from Zeus's head already fully grown and armed.
Therefore she spent all her childhood in his father's head, having quality time together.

Bernd 12/30/2023 (Sat) 20:54 [Preview] No.51451 del
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Finished Joe Abercrombie's second trilogy set in the world of First Law. I enjoyed it very much, although I'm not fond of the modern theme and setting for I'm not fond of modern history. I understand Victorian era novels (like Oliver Twist) are considered the golden era of Bri'ish literature, it's just doesn't hold much of my attention at all.
Anyway despite this, it is still entertaining, and I'm looking forward to the next trilogy when Bayaz claims back what's his.
Meanwhile Abercrombie has other books, I think even in this setting. He is very good at what he does.

At the moment however I'm organizing my MAGUS novels, and filling the gaps, getting those which I do not have and have not read yet. Some might be even good.

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Tech Thread Bernd 05/16/2018 (Wed) 18:34 [Preview] No. 16528 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Newest Edition, with less Ghork.

First thing first:
That dude of the Primitive Technology channel and all his copycats have a great advantage: access to unlimited supply of bamboo. Unlimited to their objectives. That stuff is great, tuff as shit, light as feather, can be used to many purpose with little modification and not too much work.

I also read most of this:
I think technology and it's use are running forward and lawmakers lag behind. Those who spent any time in the past two decades on the internet have a giant heap of data about them. I think Bernd posted a video about a security eggsbert, I think he works kind of a private investigator many time cooperating with officials and he said in that video anonymizing data worth nothing it can be de-anonymized with ease, and both companies and govt agencies do.
Now this law was passed at 2016. This year the EU countries have to start implementing it. Who knows how long it takes until it finishes. The whole stuff is kinda vague (it can be modified when necessary tho), and I don't know for example how the EU can force a foreign company to do whatever? There are sanctions but what jurisdiction the EU has over a US based firm for example Facebook and how the EU will force the sanctions onto for example said company?
395 posts and 194 images omitted.

Bernd 11/29/2023 (Wed) 13:08 [Preview] No.51329 del
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Not too sure if this is the thread but tech jobs seem to be fubar in my perspective.
I've been applying for a good amount of time, to say at least a year and a half and didn't get anywhere besides almost entering a company with a bootcamp.
I'm not too sure if the side of web development is fucked, or if i should learn a new stack, or whatever, but it makes me squirm because I know i got the skill to get things done.
I think I should've chosen a different career but what can I do now

Bernd 11/29/2023 (Wed) 13:57 [Preview] No.51331 del
>this is the thread
Sure why not. The situation is the result of the changes in "tech", although has social and political aspect. I think it's a bit early to blame it on ML.
We were told in the last decade or two that IT is a field with many opportunities for lack of professionals and exberts, so many went to IT and now it gets oversaturated perhaps. I dunno.
It's lot about how pushy the job seeker is, how he can sell himself (the world of whores we live in), and ofc what connections he has. For example on the Hungary the well connected web developers can get around $250 000 with a public contract for a couple pages WordPress site (for building and hosting it for 2 years). I'm not joking, was just in the news last week. Well, perhaps it's the juicy top. And probably they don't get to keep the whole sum, and have to give most of it to pal in the bureaucratic machine, I dunno, I don't see that part. So I suggest schmoozing with politicians and officials.
Thing is what makes you different than the next codemonkey? They all write in their shit how special they are and how they know everything. I think RMS wrote something that should work on FLOSS stuff, contributing to projects, which isn't a bad idea, that way one can build some contacts and find some work through them.

Bernd 11/29/2023 (Wed) 21:49 [Preview] No.51333 del
>We were told in the last decade or two that IT is a field with many opportunities for lack of professionals and exberts, so many went to IT and now it gets oversaturated perhaps. I dunno.
That's what it is for the most part, a company may be hiring trainees/jr devs and they can get 6k for a bootcamp alone. It's crazy.
>For example on the Hungary the well connected web developers can get around $250 000 with a public contract for a couple pages WordPress site (for building and hosting it for 2 years). I'm not joking, was just in the news last week. Well, perhaps it's the juicy top. And probably they don't get to keep the whole sum, and have to give most of it to pal in the bureaucratic machine, I dunno, I don't see that part. So I suggest schmoozing with politicians and officials.
May be ole' money laundering
>Thing is what makes you different than the next codemonkey? They all write in their shit how special they are and how they know everything.
Well I personally believe I have a good foundations and that I am quite dedicated and can go to miles others may not. People recognized from me that I can really push the limits.
> I think RMS wrote something that should work on FLOSS stuff, contributing to projects, which isn't a bad idea, that way one can build some contacts and find some work through them.
I do search for OSS proyects here and there, but it's a bit complicated. I can never tell when a proyect is good or if it's just something that realistically has no use case. I have built myself with the .Net stack and back end development so I can't really just jump into a decompilation project with no C knowledge for example.

Bernd 12/28/2023 (Thu) 10:41 [Preview] No.51442 del
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This sounds cool: The DECRYPT Project
Includes history and AI/ML tools.
Thousands of enciphered historical manuscripts are buried in libraries and archives. Examples of such material are diplomatic correspondence and intelligence reports, private letters and diaries as well as manuscripts related to secret societies. The bulk of these historical manuscripts will remain undeciphered unless we can automate the processes involved in decoding them. Our aim is to develop resources and computer-aided tools for decoding of historical source material by using AI and cross-disciplinary research...
collection of digitized images of ciphertexts and encryption keys along with metadata information about their provenance, location, transcription, and possible cryptanalysis or commentary.
all records in thedatabase are open to the public
tools for transcription and decipherment of historical ciphers
Historical cipher images can be transcribed, i.e. transformed into a computer readable text format
transcribed ciphertext can be corrected
Decode Database, HistCorp, TranscripTool, CrypTool whatnot.
open source under the Apache license v.2.0 with the exception od Decode db.
Quite a few Hungarians in the project apparently. They started publications in 2019 so fairly new thing this is, probably the emergence of these machine learning models allowed them to form this team.

Looking at the Decode db, the earliest dated document is from the 15th century. There is one that says 1300-1699. I think accessing documents needs a registration, at least when I tried to enlarge the photo of the document it said I have insufficient permissions.

Bernd 12/28/2023 (Thu) 10:43 [Preview] No.51443 del
(170.83 KB 1037x796 decrypt-decode-record.png)
Oh and "Access mode" says "Authentication required".

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Bernd 11/28/2023 (Tue) 12:41 [Preview] No. 51323 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Stop talking about exhausted UAE oil 😅😂
No one interested to come there along with ghost city concrete jungle Dubai yet world map is inaccurate since Mercator projection 1569 by west + middle east belittling Indonesia since, while in reality Indonesia The Emerald of The Equator is huge as Russia and even much richer than the rest of the world, our oil and gas only are much more than whole middle east.
Complete multiracial multilingual living around the world all alone since childhood I speak fluent formal Arabic too, aside Dutch and so many other languages.

Egypt isn't the oldest, even Egypt is very poor, very dry, far off the center of the Equator line.
Most highest humidity on Earth: Indonesia, meaning many much older artifacts has decayed much faster than just few thousands years Egypt.
And Judaism/Christianity/Islam are just the same dumb.
Even most of people know nothing about much older ancient modern civilization here in Indonesia before mega eruption of Toba supervolcano of Sumatra 75,000 years ago.
Including 25,000 years old Gunung Padang pyramid in Indonesia.

Hindu isn't from India either. Original Hindu is Indonesia not in India.
Hindu in India and in Bali are totally different
Indus, Indo, Hindia, Hindu = Indus Islands = Indo Nesos = Indonesia.
The same with Astrology came from Indonesia not by the Greeks, Egyptians nor Aramaic/Arabs/Jews.
Judaism, Christianity and Islam are just frauds branches of modified Hinduism in India.
Real Hindu came from Indonesia not India.
Hindu, Hindia, Indus, Indo, etc = Indo Nesos, Indus islands, Indonesia over 17000 islands, exactly on the center of the equator line, the center of all civilization, all Indo around the world came from here especially because of eruption of Toba supervolcano Sumatra 75000 years ago bigger than Yellowstone USA, resulted today world's largest volcanic lake Toba Sumatra.

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Bernd 11/28/2023 (Tue) 16:22 [Preview] No.51325 del
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This pyramid thing is interesting.
Have you heard about the Bosnian pyramid?

Bernd 11/29/2023 (Wed) 01:36 [Preview] No.51326 del
It's interesting but these is no real evidence for it being that old. For context this was just a weird comment I saw on Youtube and felt like I should post it here.

What Bosnian pyramid?

Bernd 11/29/2023 (Wed) 14:07 [Preview] No.51332 del
It's similar to the Indonesian. There's a hill in the eastern border of Visoko (NW from Sarajevo), which quite angular and reminds one a pyramid. There are claims it is one, and there are some stones laying around that supposedly were part of it or something.